Monday, April 18, 2016

Mondays Lists

 Monday........ The word could be it's own sentence
If you are like me Monday is hectic and crazy regardless of if you work from home or a full time job!

Monday is my list day. I have a dry erase board above my computer that I make lines on for each day of the week. I call it my Master List. Things can be changed, added or subtracted as needed. I list 2 or 3 things that must be accomplished around the house for each day (not the obvious daily chores).
 Places I need to go, and dinner for each night that week. Then I list important times and dates for appointments, in a different color. This is the list that runs my life. I do not crowd it or make it overwhelming by adding things I feel I should do. When I cross items off at the end of the day I feel accomplished 
If I have a important call or business training I add it to that list. I am not the most organized person so lists for me are a necessity.

1. BE NICE TO PEOPLE!! What does this have to do with making lists? Because if you are apart of Network Marketing and/or trying to start a business, leave a good personal impression!! Who wants to buy make up or jewelry or whatever you are selling from a rude ass? NOONE that's who.
I understand some people are introverts. But even introverts can be sociable. Your daily contacts are the people you want to engage in conversation with. I'm not saying hit the bag boy up for his college saving on a investment. I'm saying BE NICE

2. I regularly keep up with groceries when we are running low in my grocery list on my Ibotta App.
Then I reference it when shopping and I am able to find deals for the store I need that way. Groupon also advantages. I used to keep a list on the refrigerator but people kept adding unnecessary items to it.  It's easier saving time and money, I coupon only when necessary now.  Cross saving with in store deals and savings cards.
At one store I get savings and gas points using the card. And this store offers double coupon as well.Keep it simple for yourself. There are other apps as well but these are two I personally use.
3.Budget Budget Budget... Always know what you have to send before you go grocery shopping. Or do any shopping for that matter. Know what you can spend and what you need to save. Do not buy things that are on sale because you like the sale, not unless you know you will use it!! I have had that big red sales tag jump out into my line of vision before. My immediate reaction was
OOH Lookie a sale!!
BUT eventually I can reign my Inner Diva in now and convince her we will never use BOGO cases of fruit juice. And that even though Brand X Dog food comes with .50 rebate and doggie snack, we do not use that brand because it is $6 more expensive

4. Making a menu before seemed like more work to me to begin with. Now I know th
at its a great way to save time and money. Not to mention my sanity in the midst of chaos. I no longer have to stand staring at the cabinets and in the fridge as if they hold a genie who will magically appear.  Making a menu is easy! Look at the products you have on hand, add to your list as needed. Do not forget to add snacks if you have small children or teens in your home.  
It does not have to be complicated. You can get a great idea of menu plans by checking Google.

And finally pat yourself on the back. Making lists on Mondays will make your life easier!


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